NEWS REPORT: What does David Cameron want from the EU?

The Prime Minister has outlined his proposals for EU reform to EU leaders in a summit in Brussels. He's promised to renegotiate Britain's position within the union reader for an EU referendum by the end of 2017, so what is he hoping to get?

Unfortunately, his aims are fairly vague at the moment.  But Cameron has outlined some general aims:

Firstly, to make the EU more economically 'competitive'.  A fairly vague aim, and one probably in response to complaints from Eurosceptics that the EU is too 'inward-looking'.  He also wants to make the organisation more 'streamlined' - an attack on EU bureaucracy?

Secondly, he wants an opt-out of 'ever closer union' and the ability for national parliaments to block proposed EU legislation.

He also wants to 'safeguard the interests of the UK, London, and financial centres outside of the eurozone'.

Fourthly, to cut benefits to EU migrants in order to curb immigration.  Note that this is the only thing he has mentioned about immigration so far, and has not yet challenged the notion of free movement altogether.

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NEWS REPORT: What does David Cameron want from the EU? NEWS REPORT: What does David Cameron want from the EU? Reviewed by Admin on 15:10 Rating: 5

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