Immigration is the defining argument that will decide the
upcoming European Union in-out referendum. The ‘free movement of people’ and
the perceived stereotype of European citizens only immigrating to Britain for
the purposes of ‘stealing’ British jobs and to become a ‘health tourist’ is
already, the argument that represents the corner stone of the ‘out’ campaign’s
primary argument. And this incorrect perception simply distorts the benefits of
Britain remaining a European Union member state.
In the lead up to the 2015 General Election the ‘poster boy’
of the ‘out’ campaign, Nigel Farage, stood on live national television during
the ITV political debate and claimed “You can come to Britain from
anywhere in the world and get diagnosed with HIV and get
the retro-viral drugs that cost up to £25,000 per year per
patient. I know there are some horrible things happening in many parts of the
world, but what we need to is put the National Health Service there for British
people and families who in many cases have paid into this system for decades.” Now
the latter part of this statement is true – the NHS is primarily tasked with
the responsibility of maintaining the healthcare of those who are British,
however the NHS is also responsible for providing positive healthcare for those
residing in the United Kingdom who are in fact – European. In regards to
reducing the perceived number of Europeans committing ‘health tourism’ – it is
an accepted fact that withdrawal of our membership, would result in foreign
citizens having to apply for visas in order to enter Britain, however how does
Nigel Farage and the ‘out’ campaign justify the shutdown of the NHS that would occur
when the possible withdrawal of our membership results in thirty-seven percent
of NHS staff having to most likely to vacate their positions, according to the
Guardian newspaper. Not only will UKIP’s disastrous policy of implementing an
‘American style’ healthcare system jeopardise the integrity of our nation’s
health service, but their insistence of withdrawing from a union that provides
almost half our medical workforce will cripple the NHS beyond even today’s
critical standards. To protect Britain’s healthcare service – I’ll be opting to
stay in Europe.
The ‘out’ campaign believes that by withdrawing from the
European Union, Britain will become legally autonomous. To an extent,
they are correct, as under the European Communities Act of 1972 European Union
law is supreme as it must be implemented into UK legislation. However, the rest
of their arguments are misguided – by opting to remain an EU member Britain has
access to the European Arrest Warrant – being in Europe, working with our
closest neighbours and partners to tackle threats, makes Britain safer. Whether
it’s implementing sanctions against Russia, sharing intelligence regarding
terrorism or arresting criminals using the European Arrest Warrant, there is
strength in numbers. For example, Hussein Osman, a terrorist involved in the
bomb attack on London in July 2005, is one of over four-hundred criminals who
have been returned to face justice in Britain under the European Arrest Warrant
after fleeing to Europe. He was caught in Italy, brought back to Britain, and
sentenced to 40 years imprisonment. Leaving the European Union would not only
threaten our safety, but deny us the ability to return criminals to face
justice in the nations where they committed their crime. We are stronger and
more secure as part of Europe than on our own - and that was the reason the EU
was established… to insure the events of either world wars could not be
repeated and to provide security in numbers as one, unified bloc. The ‘out’
campaign threatens the integrity of European wide justice and to insure our
freedom and security is maintained – I will be opting in.
If we wish Britain to remain a leader in the world, we need
to be in Europe helping to take the big decisions – not sitting on the
side-lines. In today’s complex world, the UK has more control over its destiny
by staying inside organisations like the EU. We would never dream of leaving
the UN or NATO. Why would we leave the EU? Being part of Europe means we have
stronger leadership on the world stage, enabling us to shape the future –
influencing others through participation and remaining a ‘team player’ rather
than a ‘screaming child’ sat in the corner of the North Sea. Britain is not
Britain unless we are outward-looking, engaged in our continent and leading in
Europe. To leave Europe would mean less influence on the world stage, and less
say in the future. We are stronger in Europe than on our own – and to insure
that our European, our global influence, is maintained – I will be opting in.
Being a member of the European Union makes our economy
stronger, helping British businesses small and large, creating jobs for British
people, and delivering lower prices for British families. Almost half of all
the goods we sell and export to the rest of the world we sell to the European
marketplace - and we receive an average of twenty-four billion pounds of
investment into Britain per year from Europe. The Confederation of British
Industry estimates that three million jobs in Britain are linked to trade with
the rest of Europe. Being part of Europe also means cheaper prices in our
supermarkets, cheaper flights to Europe and lower phone charges when traveling.
The average person in Britain saves around four-hundred a fifty pounds every
year, as trading with Europe nails down the price of goods and services. And we
definitely receive more than we contribute. Our annual contribution is
equivalent to £340 for each household and yet the CBI says that all the trade,
investment, jobs and lower prices that come from our economic partnership with
Europe is worth three-thousand pounds per year to every UK household. That’s a
return on investment of almost ten to one. Negotiating as part of a
five-hundred million-strong economy also provides us with clout we could never
have on our own. Thanks to our membership of the European Union, we benefit
from free trade agreements with fifty countries around the world. So why would
we risk our economic security by turning our backs on Europe? There will be no
going back if we vote leave. And if we do leave – we will be cut off from
automatic access to the economic benefits that the EU brings, hitting
businesses, risking jobs and threatening families’ financial security. To
ensure that Britain’s economic and financial future is maintained – I’ll be
opting in.
Immigration is the defining argument that will decide the
upcoming European Union in-out referendum. The ‘free movement of people’ and
the perceived stereotype of European citizens only immigrating to Britain for
the purposes of ‘stealing’ British jobs and to become a ‘health tourist’ is
already, the argument that represents the corner stone of the ‘out’ campaign’s
primary argument.
I began my article with this statement – the human aspect of
leaving the European Union appears to be the ‘be-all and end-all’ argument of
those who maintain that voting ‘out’ is the best option for Britain. But as I
have proved above, it is by far the least important argument – it is critical
that we all understand the: financial, political and political implications
that could have a detrimental effect on the EU if we opt to leave. As I have
reiterated, I cannot vote in the upcoming EU referendum, I should be able to…
but that is beside the point. I am encouraging those who have not considered
the alternative arguments to remaining in – to: look, seek and discover.
Because as a unit we can achieve more and together, overcome the issues of
today. That’s why I’ll be opting in.
This article was written by a past writer and has been archived
EU: Why I'm supporting the 'Remain' campaign
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