Backlash against 'patronising' pro-EU 'Votin' campaign | NEWS

A pro-EU campaign aimed to get young people out to vote on June 23rd has been branded 'patronising'.  The Stronger In campaign launched the campaign '#Votin' and uses phrases around the website such as 'Get Talkin'.

Polls have consistently shown that although young people are predominantly pro-EU, they are less likely to vote in the referendum.  However this campaign has been branded 'patronising' by some who see it as a poor way of connecting with young people.

Writing for the Telegraph, Cristina Criddle criticised the campaign: "Young voters already feel unrepresented; imitating pantomime youth-speak’ only insults us. Reverting to slang, it suggests Millenials are not capable of constructing objective, pro-EU argument, and not bothered or clever enough to "get it"."

The campaign hasn't gone down well on Twitter either:

Backlash against 'patronising' pro-EU 'Votin' campaign | NEWS Backlash against 'patronising' pro-EU 'Votin' campaign | NEWS Reviewed by Student Voices on 11:54 Rating: 5

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