The country heads to the polls this Thursday, in a
supposed two-horse race between Theresa May’s strong and stable leadership, and
Jeremy Corbyn’s humanistic touch. Participating in my first general election,
three days out and I have fallen on hard times. Once a strong advocate of Mr.
Corbyn I have allowed myself to be swayed by the charm of one Caroline Lucas,
co-leader of the Green Party, I must now consider my options. Below are three
reasons why I may vote Green but probably won’t.
The biggest trump card in the deck, Brexit. The reason
Theresa May still insists she called the snap general election. A remain voter,
I was, and the result on June 23rd was disappointing to put it lightly. I
vehemently disagree with Mrs May’s current negotiating stance, and I do not
understand why relations with our continental neighbours must be strained to
aid a so-called “Hard Brexit”, which she seems to prefer. The Green Party has pledged
to push back on the government’s plan for an extreme Brexit and “campaign for
progressive social, economic and environmental outcomes”. Nonetheless I cannot
support 2nd, 3rd and 4th votes regarding Brexit which the Greens promise. The
country voted democratically to leave the European Union, remainers, no matter
how much we disagree cannot impede this wish, on this point the legitimacy of
our democracy is more important than party politics.
To my knowledge the Green Party, are the only political
party to publish an entire manifesto devoted to BME (Black and Minority and
Ethnic) issues. A community often underrepresented and unappreciated during
election campaigns. Unlike Theresa May who I am yet to hear utter a word on
equality, the Green Party promise to “fight for equality because equality and
social justice are integral parts of what it means to be Green”, by introducing
anonymous CV applications for example, changes such as this will help to even
the playing field for BME people, just yesterday at a job interview I was asked
if I was Muslim, when I answered no the interviewer sighed relief and said
“okay good they’re a lot of hassle”. Though, all polls point to the Green Party
remaining a minuscule force in British politics. Voting for the Green party
will only end up taking points away from the Labour party, a viable choice, who
also prioritise BME issues, effectively helping the Conservative party.
Climate change is single handily the biggest issue
humanity face. Amid Brexit and foreign policy debates, it is refreshing for
this to be thrown back into mainstream politics by the Green party. Living near
London (pollution capital of Europe), my passion to improve the environment
spurns from both knowledge and pure necessity. Our current way of living is
simply not healthy, and Green party policies such as replacing fracking, coal
power stations and subsidies for fossil fuels will help to improve our standard
of living.
However, across the span of this election I have had
unwelcome visits – I might add, from Conservative candidates, leaflets from
both Lib Dems and Labour candidates, even UKIP, no matter how much I agree with
Green party policy, I cannot hide the fact the first time I will see the name
of my local Green candidate will be at the Ballot Box. There are three days until the
election and I have no idea who he or she is. I guess the Green party just
don’t have the budget to stretch campaigning to South East Hertfordshire.
Zac Ntim is a journalism student and writes about politics.
3 Reasons Why I Might Vote Green but Probably Won’t | Zac Ntim
Reviewed by Unknown
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