What do People Make of a Tory/DUP Alliance? | Zac Ntim

You may not know them, but the Democratic Unionist Party is set to play a huge role in Westminster. Northern Island’s biggest party with ten MP’s seem to be Theresa May’s only hope of holding onto power. In what circumstances, we are yet to find out, but as May makes her way to the Palace to ask for the Queen’s permission to form a government, here is what Twitter thinks of a possible Conservative/DUP coalition.

Lead by Arlene Foster, the DUP are known for their extreme right-wing views, such as opposing abortion, climate change scepticism, and on several occasions, they have blocked equal marriage rights for gay couples. Former DUP minister Jim Wells was once quoted saying: “Peter will not marry Paul in Northern Ireland.”

The Northern Irish assembly has spent much of this year in disarray due to a collapse of its dissolved government, triggered by the resignation of former Sinn Féin leader Martin McGuiness over a DUP overspend. Rightfully so, many question the DUP’s credibility.

Memes galore are addressing the difficult position the Queen is being forced into, having to potentially allow a British government with the DUP at the helm.

Theresa May’s hypocrisy is being called out. She and her party spent a lot of the campaign attacking Jeremy Corbyn’s ties with the IRA, a terrorist organisation but have now potentially joined ties with the DUP.

Zac Ntim is a journalism student and writer for Student Voices.
Twitter: @ZacharyNtim

What do People Make of a Tory/DUP Alliance? | Zac Ntim What do People Make of a Tory/DUP Alliance? | Zac Ntim Reviewed by Student Voices on 19:44 Rating: 5

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