Can Jeremy Corbyn win the leadership election?

It is clear that the 'Corbyn Movement' is strong and there are huge amounts of people backing him. These people seem to come from different backgrounds and cultures - people from all walks of life are backing him.

Jeremy Corbyn is currently the bookies' favourite to win the Labour leadership contest with Andy Burnham, Yvette Cooper and Liz Kendall behind him. Support for Corbyn is phenomenal, so do other contestants stand an chance?

Yvette Cooper (Shadow Home Secretary and Labour leadership candidate) and Liz Kendall have made numerous attacks against Jeremy Corbyn.  Them and others state that his policies will take the party back to the 1980s -to a time when the Labour party was in disarray. But these 'attacks' don't seem to have slowed down support for Corbyn; in fact, it's grown.

Corbyn's fellow candidates are not the only people who have attacked him. Former leader of the Labour party, Tony Blair, has also attacked Corbyn stating that his Socialist policies are outdated, ineffective and useless. He even suggested his supporters may need a brain transplant.

With all the attacks, it is clear that members of the Labour Party are split and that at least half of the party disagree with Corbyn's ideas and policies. But how does this compare to the general public's opinion of him?
Corbyn has received massive amounts of support from socialists, unionists and Old Labour supporters. There has been an incredible increase in Labour members and supporters since the 2015 election, so it is quite possible that the public see an different and alternative to the current Capitalistic system.

Jeremy Corbyn has a great support base from the public yet not the Labour Party. This could affect his electability. Even if Corbyn wins the leadership election, he may not be best placed to win a general election.


By: Joshua May, I am an political writer and activist who supports old Labour greatly, @JoshuaMayLabour

Can Jeremy Corbyn win the leadership election? Can Jeremy Corbyn win the leadership election? Reviewed by Admin on 22:08 Rating: 5

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