Jeremy Corbyn has just won the Labour leadership election, beating Andy Burnham, Yvette Cooper and Liz Kendall.
I don’t
think Corbyn will be good for Labour, in fact he’s likely to destroy their chances
in 2020, but it is possible that he’ll be good for young people, and not just
those who support him.
Corbyn who was driving his election campaign and he’ll put it down to a team of
enthusiastic and inspired young people who have found an alternative to
traditional Westminster-centric politics though him. And this is where Corbyn
has actually found a good solution to an ever-growing problem.
Conservatives aren’t aiming their policies at young people – that’s a fact. A
few apprenticeships here and there don’t cut it when the majority of their
‘please vote for us’ policies are based around pensioners. It makes sense, the
Conservative’s support comes, predominantly, from older generations (over 45s
voted for the Conservatives over Labour, whereas in the under 45s category,
Labour did better). 43% of 18-24 year olds voted, whereas 78% of over 65s did.
That is
where Corbyn comes in. He’s not going to
be good for young people by winning a general election, but he will hopefully
push young people issues higher up the agenda. If this happens, and I believe
there is a large chance of it, then hopefully the Conservatives will get just a
little bit worried and start to offer their own youth-orientated policies
which, as I said earlier, don’t just consist of a few apprenticeships here and
I’m skeptical, but let’s hope we get something good out of Corbybn’s leadership.
Could Corbyn's Leadership be Good For Young People?
Reviewed by Admin
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