Petition to stop £9m pro-EU leaflets reaches 150K | NEWS

Over 150,000 people have signed an online petition to stop the government spending £9.3m to send out pro-EU leaflets to every household.  As it stands the government has not backed down and the Royal Mail will begin delivering the document to 27 million households next week.

However the plan has come under harsh criticism from 'Brexit' (anti-EU) campaigners who say that the government using tax-payer money in this way gives the 'In' campaign an unfair advantage.

Having reached 100,000 signatures, the issue will have to be considered for debate in parliament.  The petition states:

We, the petitioners, demand the Government STOPS spending our money on biased campaigning to keep Britain inside the European Union.
The Great British Public have waited since 1975 for a vote on our relationship with Brussels. No taxpayers’ money should be spent on campaign literature to keep Britain inside the EU.

But David Cameron has stuck by the government's decision, saying:
"So I make no apology for the fact that we are sending to every household in the country this leaflet, which sets out what the Government's view is and why we come to that view - we're not neutral in this." 
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Petition to stop £9m pro-EU leaflets reaches 150K | NEWS Petition to stop £9m pro-EU leaflets reaches 150K | NEWS Reviewed by Student Voices on 10:43 Rating: 5

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