By: Calum Henderson, Student Voices writer
And yet, for a while during the primary season that is now
drawing to a close, it looked as if the same could happen again, what with the
rise of an insurgent candidate who refused to accept her nomination as a given.
History does not repeat itself, as the great Yank Mark Twain once said, but it
does rhyme, and the rise of Bernie Sanders had its similarities to Barack
Obama's meteoric campaign eight years ago. Sanders, ironically for his age,
appealed to many Democrats because he was, like Obama, a fresh face. Clinton,
on the other hand, had been a major figure on the American political spectrum
for a quarter of a century.
It will be twenty-five years this November since her husband
first announced his bid for the White House. Like Obama and Sanders in recent
times, the Bill Clinton of 1992 also benefited from being a stranger to most
voters. He was also lucky to have Hillary serve as an unofficial running mate,
robustly defending him against accusations of sexual misconduct (many of which
turned out to be true, but the point still stands). Before Hillary First Ladies
were to be seen and not heard. They would support some charitable causes and
serve various do-gooders tea in the Oval Office, but they would never seriously
engage in the political bear pit of Washington D.C. This changed with her, and
although she wasn't always successful - screwing up the last major attempt at
health reform before Obamacare, for example - her unwillingness to keep her
mouth shut and smile innocuously did wonders for her career. Off the back of
being First Lady she became a senator for an admittedly easy-to-win state of
New York, and then came the first shot at the presidency.
This year is her last chance, so when Sanders came along,
she was naturally going to fight with everything she had. The Senator for
Vermont, rebel that his, is not showing any sign of suspending his campaign,
claiming that he will fight on until the convention in mid-July. His last hope
lies in the pledged delegates, vestiges of the 'undemocratic' side of US
politics which his campaign has rallied against. He should really do the polite
thing and throw in the towel, for this self-indulgent lap of honour could
potentially tarnish the memory of an otherwise wondrous campaign. He must also
urge all of his supporters to back Clinton, as over the last months, a not
insignificant number of his own supporters have spent so much time attacking
the now presumptive nominee that they have forgotten who their real opponent
is. And Trump is not a complete idiot, he knows there will be some Democrats
who, having built up a loathing for Clinton, will consider voting for him Sandernistas
and Trumpers: both followers of renegade candidates, both of whom shocked the
system with varying levels of success. Perhaps not such an unlikely alliance
after all.
For spectators such as myself, who live in another country
but nonetheless enjoy the sheer entertainment that the American elections
provide, the coming months will be fascinating. The television debates alone
will be a sore disappointment if they do not provide anything less than a dozen
historic moments. Then there will be the vote itself, held in early November.
By conventional standards Clinton should trounce her opponent, but this, as the
pundits are keen to remind us, is no conventional race. It is not easy for a
party to take the White House three times in a row, as Clinton is hoping to do,
and as political campaigner she has her weaknesses. Her opponent may pick up
more votes than some would expect by appealing to the disgruntled in the
American electorate. Then again, he may lose many.
Clinton's best bet is to run a bullishly optimistic and
patriotic campaign, in order to deny Trump a monopoly on country-loving. His is
an Americanism in its most unpleasant and derogatory form: the perception of
Americans as loud, rude, rotund ignoramuses. Yet the most boastful patriots
usually nurse a contempt for their country's values in one way or another, and
Trump, with his proclivity for making his speeches in a loud voice, betrays
himself more clearly than most hypocrites. His dumb promises to erect walls,
either literal or legal, to keep out anyone of even faintly dark skin is a
direct affront to the whole point of the United States: its claim to be a home
for everybody. Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, so goes the
old saying, as well as the Hispanic migrants happy to do the kind of work Trump
supporters would turn up their noses at, or the moderate Muslim families who
see America as a place to build a home and live a life in peace from the
tyranny and violence they have fled in the Middle East.
The best way in which America can remind the world of its
greatness is to elect a woman, flawed though she may be, to the most important
office in the world, while repudiating a hateful and smarmy parody of
'Americanness' that would be an embarrassment at home and a disaster for the
wider world.
US Election: America gears up for Clinton v Trump
Reviewed by Student Voices
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