By: Lauren E. White, Student Voices Magazine Editor (@lxurenwhite)
With less than three weeks to go until the people of Britain
head to the polls, it’s time that I personally addressed the European Union
It’s not often that I agree with David Cameron, but this
time I do. I also agree with Stephen Hawking, Barack Obama and Angela Merkel to
name a few. I believe that Britain is better off staying in the EU.
The economy will deteriorate if we vote to leave – there is
no denying that. After the financial crisis in 2008-9, Britain is still
recovering. Our economy has not yet healed enough to fully support a Brexit. It
is a fact that since 2010, the Chancellor George Osborne has in fact increased
our deficit by £555 billion. The London School of Economics has also said that
if we leave the European Union, there could be a 6.3-9.5% deduction in GDP.
This would be similar to the financial crisis I mentioned earlier. There is no
way that we can risk putting Britain into such financial turmoil again.
Of course Vote Leave would argue that we send the EU £350
million each week. This figure has been widely reported on and discredited as
it does not take into account what we get back from the EU. According to
FullFact – an independent fact-checking charity – the actual figure is under
£250 million. On an annual basis, taking into account the rebate of £5 billion
Margaret Thatcher secured in 1984 (which never actually goes to the EU as it is
taken off before any money is handed over), the UK pays £13 billion into the
EU. However, this does not include EU spending, which came to £4 billion in
Some would then argue that handing money over to the
European Union is wrong anyway. However, this is where they are blatantly
ignoring the facts. For the past 41 years, the EU has given us protection at
work as every worker is entitled to a minimum of rights like paid holidays,
equal pay for equal work, paternal and maternal leave as well as others.
Furthermore, if the company you work for is sold, new owners have to pay you
the same wage and give you the same conditions that you previously agreed
thanks to the European Union. Leaving the EU could risk these rights as the
government is already looking to introduce a new Human Rights Bill.
I believe that the EU is also worth the money because of
trade. The EU is the largest economy in the world, beating both China and
America. We sell our goods into the EU and many companies choose to set up
their businesses here in Britain because of our membership. For example, the
Chief Executive of Nissan (which employs 6,500 people at its Sunderland plant
alone) said that the company would have to “reconsider its strategy” if we
voted for Brexit. Trade within the EU is vital for our economy, our businesses
and our jobs. Negotiating a trade deal if we left would be a lengthy process.
We would also have to obey EU trading standards if we wanted their trade,
meaning leaving wouldn’t necessarily give us any additional freedom.
Moving on from this, an issue which pushes many people to
the Leave side of the argument is immigration. One thing must be clear with
everyone before we discuss immigration: our borders are not bursting at the
seam. The headlines concocted by The Daily Mail will tell you that over half a
million migrants enter our country each year. They will not tell you that
325,000 people leave the UK. They will not tell you that 26% of NHS staff is
non-British. Without them, the NHS would collapse overnight.
Now onto benefits: migrants come to this country and they
cannot receive benefits until they have started working and cannot even apply
to claim until they have lived here for three months. And, under the new deal
secured by David Cameron with the EU, migrants will have to wait four years
until they can claim any benefits. So let me be crystal clear about this: it is
not migrants who are the reason for unemployment in Britain. It is not the
fault of a migrant that our deficit has increased by £555 billion since 2010.
The blame should be placed at the door of reckless bankers (which rhymes with
something else...), the failure of politicians and the tax-dodgers who keep £25
billion per year out of our economy.
On 23rd June, you will have a choice. You are privileged
enough to have a choice that I am not allowed to make because I have been
deemed too young. So, when you go to vote, think of the future of your
children. Leaving the European Union puts us at risk. This is not
scaremongering: it is fact. We must remain in the EU if we want better
opportunities. We must remain in the EU if we want to prosper. We must remain
in the EU if we care about our rights, about our public services and about our
EU Referendum: The Argument For Voting Remain
Reviewed by Student Voices
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